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A Scavenger Hunt

Posted Date: 11/19/2024

A Scavenger Hunt

City of Livingston’s Special Events Presents:

A Scavenger Hunt

rufus the elf 


Date: Starting November 26th, 2024

Time:  Rufus is best seen in the dark

Hosted By: City of Livingston, Livingston Special Events & Trade Days, Various Businesses, and Livingston Main Street

Address: Where the clues lead! (Various Locations Around Livingston)

Admission: Free to Attend


     It’s the time of year for fun, family and the “hunt” across Livingston for “Rufus The Elf”!

     Rufus is an adorable elf made of lights that travels across town. There will be clues announced right here to help find Rufus at all his favorite hiding places around Livingston. This event starts November 26th and goes until December 14thClues will also be posted on the Livingston Special Events & Trade Days Facebook

     Rufus will be all over Livingston for around two weeks. He will remain in the same spot for only three days at a time though. Catch him while he is at each spot and get a chance to earn some Christmas money. Prizes are a $75 gift card and a $150 gift card based on how many times Rufus the Elf is correctly found around town and listed on the form.

     The Livingston Specialty Merchants’ Guild and Livingston Special Events & Trade Days invite one and all to enjoy themselves around town for this event and all the other fun events throughout the holiday season


Click Here For More About Holiday Events

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Rufus Clue #1 – November 26th-28th – “ If you need some exceptional help, find Rufus there. ”

Rufus Clue #2 – November 29th-December 1st – “ Rufus is searching for treasures downtown. ”

Rufus Clue #3 – December 2nd-4th – “ Rufus is headed to pick up some ribs, before heading to the high school. ”

Rufus Clue #4 – December 5th-7th – “ Rufus is getting a new do while in town. ”

Rufus Clue #5 – December 8th-10th  – “ Playing ball and eating pickles is one of my favorite things to do. ”

Rufus Clue #6 – December 11th-13th – “ I am picking up some food for all of Santa’s Reindeer. ”

Rufus Clue #7 – December 14th–16th “ Rufus is resting by the candle light by the tracks. ”


finding rufus rules sheet rufus the elf sheet to turn in  

Click Here To Print PDF


Turn in clue sheet to Trade Days Office by Monday, December 16th.

Drawing for winners on Tuesday, December 17th.


(Must be 18 years or older to win)


-find 7 places to be put into a drawing for $150.00 gift card

-find 5-6 places to be put into a drawing for $75.00 gift card


How to participate:

1. Print off form or stop by the Main Street / Trade Days office in Pedigo Park to pick one up.

2. Answer the clues to find Rufus The Elf and write down where he was on the form.

3. Turn form into the Main Street / Trade Days office in Pedigo Park by Monday, December 16th.

4. Drawings will take place on Tuesday, December 17th.



city hall at christmas water tower at christmas tunnel of lights at pedigo park at christmas