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Guild Qualifications

Membership Qualifications

I. Categories

Core Member – $100.00

  • Antique Shop
  • Specialty Shop
  • Bed & Breakfast

Tenant Member – $100.00

  • Artisans and Antique Dealers who display their wares in a Guild Member’s Shop.

Supporting Member – $100.00

  • Restaurants
  • Hotels / Motels
  • Historical Locations
  • Entertainment Providers

Non-Profit Supporting Member – $100.00

  • Non-Profit Organization

II. Location

The drawing below depicts Livingston and the selective location radius the Guild Membership covers.

area map


III. Approval by Vote

All members are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings, participate in Guild Promotions and Events, and serve on our committees. First opportunity in Brochure Display Advertising is awarded to members who actively participate in the Guild through attendance, committees, Guild promotions and events. Dues are for yearly membership and are payable in full to the Guild between January 1st and March 31st to assure placement on the annual brochure. All membership applications must be approved prior to payment.

Please E-Mail Us For More Information On Joining Us!

Livingston Calender