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Fundraisers for Main Street

main street disrict


     The Historical Main Street District of Livingston is something the town and community cherish for many different reasons. It may be the history from the past melding so sweetly with the present for some. It may be memories of a simpler time combined with the convenience of modern day for others. Keeping the Main Street District in the best condition involves everyone. Even though some do more of the work than others, the community all lend a hand in the fundraising that is needed to make sure it is kept in the best condition possible. Take a second to check out the variety of different fundraiser items or fundraising events and see the best fit for participating in the fun. 

Main Street Fundraisers Going Now

Main street cookbook

Main Street “Recipes from the Heart”: Cookbook made by the locals

A once in a lifetime collection of recipes from Livingston locals. It has everything from snacks and appetizers to desserts. See what the locals used to and still call good “home cooking”. This is a wonderful souvenir, gift, and treat to look through for visitors and locals alike. All profits go to making Livingston Main Street District a better place to visit, work on, and invest in.


Available for purchase at the following supporting locations: Main Street Office / Trade Days Office, Good Golly Miss Molly’s Gifts and Antiques, Home Grown, Downtown Treasures, Julee K’s Sweet Creations, Polk County Enterprise. 

post cards and posters of hometown christmas

Main Street’s “Hometown Christmas”: Postcards, Posters, and Greeting cards

A Rose West original piece of art. Her masterpiece is a depiction of Livingston’s annual Hometown Christmas event.This is the event where the town comes together to celebrate the holidays together. It has shopping, entertainment for all ages, and a parade. This is almost as realistic as a picture with a gentleman walking his dog and the student playing his tuba. This artwork was immediately loved by the community and made into postcards, posters, and greeting cards. This is a wonderful souvenir, gift, and treat to look through for visitors and locals alike. All profits go to making Livingston Main Street District a better place to visit, work on, and invest in.


Available for purchase at the following supporting locations: Main Street Office / Trade Days Office, Good Golly Miss Molly’s Gifts and Antiques, Home Grown, Downtown Treasures, Julee K’s Sweet Creations, Polk County Enterprise. 

miss effie's cottage christmas event

Main Street’s Volunteer Opportunities: Join in the Fun and Get Involved 

Livingston Main Street has events and projects all year round. There is always a way to help or get involved in the community. The Main Street organization invites the locals and visitors alike to join them at the monthly meetings, upcoming events. These are unpaid volunteer jobs. Thanks for considering volunteering time, energy, money, or many of the other things that Main Street could use help with. 

Please contact the Main Street Office for additional information on how to get involved.

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